Jnoubi / The New Horizons Care Center

Brent Miller and his family also support Jnoubi / The New Horizons Care Center that operates in an area called “Zahrani” in southern Lebanon, which provides vital literacy, health care, vocational training, assistance with developing skill training activities, and delivering the love of Christ.
The Bedouin, Gypsy and Syrian refugee families that Jnoubi works with in the South live in very basic tents, constructed of plastic, corrugated cardboard and metal as well as wood. These “homes” have only limited access to basic utilities and often do not have running water, proper washing facilities or electricity. Very few of these people have had any formal education, and many are illiterate. The younger generations have an increasing desire to become more literate so to meet this need the New Horizons Care Center teaches the children basic math, English and Arabic.
Brent visited Jnoubi / the New Horizons Care Center in February 2014; his brother launched this ministry when he formerly lived in Lebanon.